It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the return to face-to-face Instruction for September 2020.
As set out by the health and safety protocols for schools, the following procedures will be in place to ensure a safe environment in which striving toward academic excellence continues to be the priority of our classroom.
1. All students must complete a self health-checklist prior to attending each class:
2. Class times will be staggered to prevent student contact with a different class.
3. The classroom will be disinfected after each class (tables, chairs, surface contact areas)
4. A contactless temperature monitor will be used to measure the temperature of each student prior to entry.
5. Each person entering the classroom will be required to sanitize his/her hands.
6. Each person in the classroom will be required to wear a mask. NO EXCEPTIONS
7. Seating arrangement will be in place.
8. A clear barrier will be placed between each student.