Ms. Nelli Warren is an accomplished educator and English tutor who helps Tri Cities and Fraser Valley high school students (including those in Surrey, Langley, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam) get better marks in the classroom and succeed on the BC Provincial English Exam. She provides them with skills and techniques that will dramatically increase their confidence in English. She also assists both students and teachers in maximizing their achievements in the areas of writing and analysis.
Some of her experiences within the last ten years include:
- Teaching English 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12. Marlborough School, North Delta, BC
- Teaching English 8, 9, 12 & Literature 12. Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary, Port Coquitlam, BC
- Teaching Junior and Senior Essay courses & Provincial Preparation classes. Yireh, Port Coquitlam, BC
- Marking the English Provincial Exam
- Providing independent academic counselling to students wishing to attend distinguished universities in Canada or Ivy League universities in the US.
- Assisting in the development and implementation of writing standards, marking rubrics, and instructional practices for each grade level of high school English.
- Performing instructional seminars for English Departments wishing to establish skill-based writing and standardized marking.
- Observing teachers within their classroom and providing an action plan to improve instructional practices.
- Meeting with teachers to assist them with their unit planning so that they are able to effectively incorporate the writing standards into their lessons.
- Developing an extensive writing curriculum titled The English Scholar: A Guide to Achieving Excellence in Writing and Analysis
Our program is based on the successful English Scholar Curriculum©, which incorporates the skills of both critical writing and interpretation. Upon successful completion of our program, students will be able to formulate insightful arguments and effectively articulate them through a variety of written forms.
The program is designed to develop fundamental writing and analysis skills, powers of argument, and to provide numerous theoretical approaches to the study of literature.
We provide our students with a personalized program that consists of academic guidance, individual instruction, and writing workshops, tailored to meet specific learning needs. Each session is two hours long, and, depending on the needs of the student, scheduled once or twice a week.
Progress reports are issued to formally measure the development of the student and to set learning goals. In most cases, the Writing Centre will have the opportunity to ask English teachers to fill out these reports in order to ensure success is also seen in the classroom.
If you need more information call us at 604.313.6503 or [complete our online form…] or register now.